Creative Magic Club - Grow Your Business with High Ticket Sales, Social Media Branding & Money Mindset Coaching

Want to Raise Your Prices? Building Confidence and Self Esteem for High Ticket Success

Sarah Mac - Creative Entrepreneur, Copywriter for Coaches, Personal Brand Strategist, Entrepreneur Coaching

Are you bored of that little voice in your head that’s always questioning if your prices are too high or if there’s anyone out there who would ever pay the prices you REALLY want to charge?

Been there…! My body used to shake when I sent out the biggest invoices ever… until I went through the strategic steps in my business that led me to feel totally confident and relaxed about signing clients into $5k-$10k+ offers. 

Do you know my Post-It Note money mindset method that I used to double my income 2 years in a row and hit 6-figures within 13 months of launching my coaching business? Tune into this week’s episode of the Creative Magic Club podcast and I’ll spill the tea on what it really took - from a mindset AND strategic perspective - to build the confidence that led to consistent clients signing up for my high ticket offers. 

You’ll learn:

⏩ The steps I took to go from selling $5 freelance writing gigs on to singing $17k pay in full clients. 

⏩ How to not fall into the trap of imposter syndrome when we try to be a future version of ourselves - and how the secret to confident sales is getting INTIMATELY connected to what we’ve already achieved and being able to talk about it with pride. 

⏩ How visibility fears are a VERY REAL ongoing issue that we must have a consistent mindset practice around to prevent self-sabotage. 

⏩ How understanding your Venus and Sun signs in your astrology chart hold major keys to confidence and successful selling. 

⏩ Plus I talk about how ultimately making the bold, imperfect, consistent daily moves

Write a sales post to attract your soul mate client using you astrology chart with my FREE 5-part training series! 

In a 90-minute private coaching intensive together, we’ll focus on the most important changes you can start making in your messaging to attract more paying clients into your offers. During our time together we’ll make sure your offer is actually targeted at the kinds of clients you REALLY want to be working with, we’ll tighten up your messaging (or write it from scratch if we need to), and we’ll map out a feel-good launch plan to start filling it up with amazing clients. 

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Speaker 1:

What's up, this is Sarah Mack, and welcome to Creative Magic Club. Together, we'll discover inspirational stories of creative entrepreneurs living out their dreams, doing the work they are most passionate about, and building wealth in magical and fun ways, while building a six-figure income. As a writer and coach, helping other women to launch their dream businesses, I've connected with so many incredible people and seen it proven again and again that you can thrive financially doing whatever it is you are passionate about. I am here to share life-changing strategies for mindset, making money and reaching more people with your work in a business and life filled with creativity, freedom and fun. Hi, sarah Mack here from withsarahmackcom, and this is the last in a three part series focused around high ticket sales really going in deep, getting into the juicy details that really make all the difference when it comes to making the sales or not. So if you haven't listened to the past two episodes, I definitely recommend you go and dive into those. And my next series will be focused on branding and astrology for high ticket sales success. So make sure you stay tuned for that one. And today we're going to be talking about building confidence and self-esteem for high ticket success. So if you've ever had those gremlin thought patterns that are like am I really good enough to be charging thousands and thousands of dollars? This is the episode for you, and we also had a question from Ananda. Thank you, ananda, who was curious about how people find their path and what kind of leads to people changing their path and what really is the most important things to stay focused on to succeed, despite the evolutions and the different directions that we might go in. So I'm super excited to answer that for you. Thank you for that question. I actually don't have any more questions submitted, so go ahead and send me a DM or an email. What's on your heart right now? What would you love for me to talk about on the podcast? And I will answer your question for you.

Speaker 1:

So I've been there right, like let's keep in mind that I started my entrepreneurial career selling writing gigs on fiverrcom for five freaking dollars and you know it worked. It got me there. There's nothing wrong with starting small. I've definitely been a baby stepper and really like edged into raising my prices little by little. It's been a gradual process and at the same time, you know, I went from charging $5 for writing gigs to receiving thousands of dollars per client selling high ticket offerings within three years, and I doubled my income within the three years. The first year I replaced my income from working in film production. The second year I doubled it when I launched my copywriting agency and that got me to 50k. And then the year after, I'd launched my coaching business and I'd reached six figures within 13 months. So starting small can get you there fast, you know. So let's dive in. Why did I not feel good enough to charge high, high prices? Why did it take me two years? Maybe it could have taken a month. Right, let's talk about it, so it doesn't have to take you that long.

Speaker 1:

There's no shame in the game, and one thing that I've learned from myself and from working with many, many clients over the years is we are all going to go at our own pace and nothing is going to change that. We're all different, we're all at different stages. We all have different skill sets. We all have different backgrounds. I had never been in business before. I'd never studied business. I had background in advertising, but it was pretty limited. It was mainly through working in commercials on film sets, even though I had had a very short stint in the office at M&C Saatchi, which is like a top advertising agency in London. They offered me an internship and I was like hell, no, I can't work behind a desk. That is not me. I knew I didn't want to do that. I knew I had plans to go back up north to Manchester to work in theatre and try and get work in film and TV production, and that is what I did. So there's no shame in where we start, there's no shame in where we are, and we all get to go exactly where we want to go. We're going to get there at our own pace and there's no point in beating ourselves up about it.

Speaker 1:

I'll tell you how it worked for me, this process of really edging my prices up, piece by piece, little by little. I call this the post-it note strategy, which I talk about in depth in my book which I'm getting ready to publish, which I'm very excited about. So stay tuned for that. But I would just write the hourly rate that I desired to be earning on a post-it note and put it on my laptop and just ask myself like okay, cool, what changes can I make to be earning more money? And obviously putting my prices up was the easiest answer most of the time, but that in itself began to shift my strategy. It opened me up to more questions of well, how can I add more value, how can I be of even more service to my clients? How can I make it even clearer? How can I capitalize on what I'm the best at and what I can do the most quickly and with the most skill? And just having that strategy and asking myself those questions naturally opened me up to answers which led to different action, which led to an increase in my income.

Speaker 1:

And I definitely fell into the trap of thinking like I had to be like my coaches in order to make the money that they were making, and falling into that trap of you know, because we're all told, success leaves clues, right, and you don't need to reinvent the wheel. So find a mentor and do it like they do, which is absolutely true and supportive and helpful. But I think a lot of us fall into well, I have to do it exactly like them, which is absolutely not true. We have to do it exactly like us and use the knowledge, the skills, the tools, the systems, the strategies that are proven, and obviously this is okay. It took me a long time to learn this lesson, that it's going to look different for every single person. I really used to believe like there is a way. I used to ask all of my coaches, like show me your calendar, what are you actually? I want to know every single thing that you're doing every day, because if I just do that, then I'll get your results. And actually I tried that for so long and obviously it never worked.

Speaker 1:

Because we, our bodies, are different. We're different ages, we live in different climates, we are at different phases of our hormone cycle, we have different families, we speak different languages, we have different trainings and backgrounds, and so it's really up to us to tap into and this is what we mean when we talk about the path of least resistance is we tap into what comes most easily to us, and that is the thing that's going to look different from person to person and that's going to look different from day to day Sometimes. Sometimes you're like the easiest thing for me to do is to just hit live, do a live stream, hype up my offers, invite people to buy, and some days you're like, oh, you can pay me to get on camera today. So the easiest thing for me is going to be to throw up a graphic, and maybe it's not easy for me to create graphics, so I'm going to ask my VA to create a graphic for me. So just to tell your mind, you get to do it your way. The only way you're going to do it is your way. So really pay attention to the path of least resistance to you.

Speaker 1:

So and I'm going to talk about this a bit more how we as entrepreneurs so often fall into the trap of overreaching, of trying to show up like the person that we wish we were, because we're so focused on where we want to go instead of really rooting into what is so fully embodied for us right now. This is really the key to high ticket sales and this is the key to having confidence and to really connecting to self-esteem. And I didn't listen to a lot of my coaches in the beginning. They were like but you're so good at content, and I was like I'm bored of content, I want to do money mindset. And obviously I did make that work. And that's just another example of how you can't really go wrong as long as you follow the foundational principles and you know how to sell and you know how to get people excited about an offer and you know how to talk about it with confidence. You can sell anything. So don't fall into the trap of thinking that there is just one way or there is just one thing, or you have to find the perfect thing Like no, let it be a messy evolution.

Speaker 1:

And I remember sometimes it was just as simple as adding some extra zeros on my invoice, of choosing to put my prices up, and sometimes you know it was okay. I'm going to have to learn how to package and sell a high ticket offer, and that's a skill set that I don't have, so I'm going to invest, invest money in working with a mentor to learn exactly how to get good at this. I remember my hands shaking as I sent out my first $3,000 invoice, which was for a website, fully thinking that no one was going to pay me that. And of course they paid, and then the website copy that I wrote for them ended up getting nominated for an award. And it's like why did my brain think that this was so outside the realm of my reality? And obviously it's because of all of the stories that we hold about ourself around not being good enough or not being valuable enough or not fitting in or whatever bullshit we picked up that is really getting in the way of massive impact and massive income.

Speaker 1:

I remember, you know, receiving $3,500 paying for clients while I was traveling in Hawaii and just thinking, oh my God, like this is my dream life. Like if didn't feel real. I was like, oh my God, I did it. I created a clear strategy in my business. I learned how to do it. I took the actions, I launched the offers, even though I my brain was like this is never going to work out for you. I kept doing it anyway and it worked and it's the best freaking feeling in the whole world, you know, going on to having 17k pay in full clients.

Speaker 1:

By just following the strategy, taking the actions, making the moves, we get to make it up. We are the boss. This is entrepreneurship. There are no freaking rules. You can put whatever price tag on whatever service for whoever it is that you're most passionate about serving. But, yes, you do have to master the principles of selling and communication and just understanding how to deeply, deeply, deeply serve your client.

Speaker 1:

One of the most important steps that I had to go through, that all of my clients have to go through, is actually doing the work of connecting to your value in detail. So when we're falling into all those mind traps of I'm not good enough, I need to be more like this person, or I'm not XYZ enough, the remedy to that is sitting down and actually focusing your mind on all of the ways that you do bring value and making sure that not only are you connected to that truth, but you feel that it feels true for you and you're able to clearly articulate it, because this is really sales. That's what sales is. If you want to make money, if you want people to say yes to you and to become your client in whatever offer you've created, you must be able to speak the words that communicate your value as somebody who other people would want to hire. And this might sound simplistic, but if you're having any type of self-esteem issues or any type of confidence or follow through issues or actual result issues in your high ticket sales strategy, this is where you want to start.

Speaker 1:

You must be able to know, know these things by heart, know all of the reasons why you are so valuable to your client and feel unwavering in the truth of that. And yes, obviously we can get sideswiped. Our confidence can get knocked when we're taking action and it looks like things aren't working. Our insecurities will inevitably rear their heads, but being able to anchor back into no like I know how much value I have to offer. I know why this is valuable for people. I know why it's worthwhile for them to drop thousands of dollars on working with me. You must be deeply and clearly connected to these facts, and that's all they are is facts. So, really taking the time to sit down and connect to them this is unavoidable in you know, the process of being confident in selling your high ticket offers, because really all high ticket sales is is having honest conversations about the value that you have to offer.

Speaker 1:

So let's talk about overshooting this condition that all entrepreneurs fall into. That I have fallen into again and again and have to constantly check myself because there's always another level right. There's always somewhere else that we want to be. We never get somewhere and are like great, I've reached the final destination. There's nowhere else I could possibly want to go or grow to. There's always going to be another potential income level, another potential level of impact, and even if you love your business model and you love your income, there's always going to be another client right Like you're gonna finish up at some point with your clients, and you'll need more clients, and your clients are always evolving. Your market is always evolving. Your work is always evolving with every single conversation that you have. So, instead of getting wrapped up on feeling like we're not there yet, we're not there yet. We're not there yet.

Speaker 1:

To really be confidently rooted in your value and whatever it is that you're charging high ticket prices for, you have to be anchored into embodying where you've been, and we forget this, right. We're so quick to move on, we're so quick to feel the discomfort of where we're not yet that we forget how much we have accomplished and how much we've embodied and how much has become normalized to us. That is your. Your sweet spot zone of genius, like, most profitable, valuable offer is the things that you are unquestionably, undeniably good at, that you have created that. All you need to do is open your mouth, and you have so much wisdom to share. Like I always tell my clients this when everything is aligned, when you're working with the right client, when you're selling the right offer, when, like, you are truly being yourself and you've set your business up for that, all you need to do is create opportunities for your clients to come into your world and for you to show up and open your mouth, because when you have embodied what it is that you are teaching and selling, this is your knowledge. You don't need to like look it up in a book, you don't need to research it, you don't need to like research and plan your offers in detail, because you already know these things, because you have walked through what it is that you are now walking your clients through. That's when you know you're really in the right place. And obviously it's okay to do more research and become even more expert in what it is that you help clients with, but create your offers around the things that you know inside out and your sales process is going to be so much easier, your confidence will be higher and life will be easier and you'll more easily attract clients.

Speaker 1:

Another thing to consider is visibility fear. So this is something that, as women, we all have, because life just isn't completely safe for us, right? We've all experienced being the prey of unwanted attention, and I'm sure a lot of men have experienced this as well. But, especially for women, we have a lot of unconscious, deeply rooted, ancestral fears around being seen for who we really are. Right, like the witches were burnt at the stake. The healers were banished outside of the clan. We had to sacrifice physical safety for taking a stand for our values and for our unique ways of being in the world, and this is still very much true. You know, it's obviously different and it's a lot safer, but you're definitely going to have people who aren't going to like what you have to say, no matter who. You are Right.

Speaker 1:

So know that these unconscious fears are trying to prevent you from being more visible, and this is why we feel insecure, right, because our mind is always trying to keep us apart of the tribe. If we continue to please everybody, if we continue to stay small, we can guarantee our position in the tribe, where the tribe will take care of us. We'll get food, shelter, protection, you know, which is fine, but it might be very unsatisfying. And we're also sacrificing the opportunity to access new tribes, higher levels of authenticity, safety, expression, abundance, all of those things that come from when we truly give ourselves permission to be ourselves. So, knowing that we're dealing with this at every single level I have dealt with this at every single level and continue to deal with it that sneaky resistance and procrastination that creeps up because your mind is like just stay small, don't get too big.

Speaker 1:

You know, my website was on the top of my to-do list for like a year before I finally was like oh wait, what's going on? Why have I not taken action on this and I didn't even notice? Why have I kept my audience pretty small over many, many, many, many years of being an entrepreneur? That's a part of me that doesn't want to have to deal with the discomfort of other people not liking me. So we have to have a strategy for dealing with this. What does that look like? It looks like daily mindset work. It looks like somatic and unconscious release work, like EFT, journaling, hypnotherapy. I've talked about this topic a lot in past episodes and I actually have an entire playlist on YouTube on money and money mindset, so I'll drop the link for that in the show notes. You can find that on my YouTube channel with Sarah Mack.

Speaker 1:

So have a daily strategy. Knowing that you are resisting growth strategy. Knowing that you are resisting growth, work on your mindset every day, recalibrate, take those moves, take a little bit of extra risk every day and you'll be in a very different place months and years from now. Obviously, another tool which I absolutely love for accessing confidence and clarity, and who you are and where you're going is astrology, so one of the placements to pay attention to is your Venus placement. I'm actually working on a new free resource which I'm very excited about, which I will drop the link to you in the description, but your Venus placement shows you what people love to pay you for, so make sure you're familiar with it and make sure you're leaning into that. Another great one is your sun sign. This is where you most naturally shine. This is what I go into in my sun sign times online masterclass series, which you can also get access to in the comments, where I will really show you how to translate this knowledge about yourself into content that leads with your greatest strengths. That's most relevant to the soulmate clients you want to fill your offers with.

Speaker 1:

So, coming back to Ananda's question about how people really find their path or change their path, the most important thing is that action is the thing that leads to clarity and the one question you can ask that's going to give you the answers, that's going to allow your path to unfold and that's gonna make you money, as as you do, that is how can I serve today Like one person at a time and this is what's great about a high ticket business model is you only need one client for that to make a huge impact, not only on your business and income, but also on somebody's life. Because when you get time and presence with somebody else like this is the most valuable possible thing that we can get our hands on in life is the time, space and presence of another human being who deeply cares and is invested in what it is that we want. Like that is a rare, rare thing. So just knowing that doesn't matter what you're selling, it doesn't matter what bells and whistles you have included in your offer, knowing that just simply you showing up and giving your client your time and presence, with the shared intention of helping them get what they want, that is invaluable. That is worth millions and squillions of dollars, let alone thousands. Because the power of what can come out of time and space spent like that it's life-changing and we all know that right and this is the key to making money is just focusing on one client at a time.

Speaker 1:

And when you ask that question how can I serve today? Like there's only a certain number of answers. There might be many, many, many potential answers, because you are multi-talented and super gifted and you know there are many tools and skills and abilities that you have to be able to help others. But when you really get into clarifying your high ticket offer, you'll learn and discover that there are some things that you're actually really really good at and there are some things that are truly the most valuable to another human being and that's really what offer positioning is needed for is the more you do that, the more you lean into the best of the best of the best of what you can offer, the easier making sales at you know many thousands of dollars is going to become for you. And that's really exactly the work that I do in my Cosmic Brand Story Intensive, where we get really clear on your highest offering and your offer positioning and we write the sales copy so you really know how to talk about your skills to start selling high ticket offers around those things.

Speaker 1:

The other thing that's important to know, especially if you've done like a coach training or you've maybe been working with a ton of people or trying tons of different ways of serving people in your business and you really wanna like narrow down to really serving those high ticket clients, the ones who want to go all in, the ones who want to make big transformation, the ones who want to invest in support and spend 1000s of dollars to finally get that result that they are really committed to seeing in their lives is that the more you work with the right people, the more you get good at this whole conversation that we've been talking about today, which is what am I actually really really best at, like, what is truly my most valuable offering and who is the person that will most benefit from doing that work with me? The more you can get into work with those relationships, the more of your innate gifts are going to start to come out, things that you would have no idea that you were actually really good at until you actually start that work. Because in those conversations, in those containers with the people who really are the most receptive to you and your unique magic, you're going to be like, oh, what's coming out of my mouth right now. You're going to be like, oh, these are the things that I'm starting to channel. You're going to be like, oh, these are the things that I'm starting to channel. These are the repetitive conversations that keep coming through me.

Speaker 1:

That really is your unique medicine and you know the most important thing to be succeeding, no matter what level you are at, is to get really, really good at solving problems for people. You're deeply passionate about helping at solving problems for people. You're deeply passionate about helping. And obviously astrology leaves a lot of clues. So, reminder, I have a one-on-one astrology reading on special at the moment link in the description. If you want me to read your chart and really get that clarity around what you're here to do and who you're here to serve, because it can shortcut a lot of the questions.

Speaker 1:

And when you have that confidence and that clarity, you make moves, you launch offers, you stand by bigger, bolder messages that get you noticed, that ultimately lead to more impact, because you're gonna get the attention of the right people. The relationships that you will attract from soulmate clients will be more harmonious, will bring out even more of your gifts and your unique magic. And you get to get paid to figure all of this out right Like you're capable of offering massive, massive value. Right now. You don't need to answer all the questions, you don't need to know exactly where you're going, but you do need to know what is your most valuable offering at this exact moment in time and having clarity around your offer, having clarity around who it's for, having clarity around the results that you have embodied that you are going to help people to create for themselves in your offer. These are the decisions that lead to big, bold moves and you really going for it and you selling every day and that's going to lead to you serving every day.

Speaker 1:

Selling is service, right? We're not really helping people if they're just reading our free content. Going to lead to you serving every day. Selling is service, right. We're not really helping people if they're just reading our free content. We're not really helping people if we have all of these gifts and skills and we're just hoarding them and using them for ourself. So how can you create opportunities to serve others? How can you make that impact actually happen? By making sales happen.

Speaker 1:

Get paid to learn and grow. Don't wait. You know I discovered this because I didn't really have a choice. Like I didn't have money. I didn't have like people I could fall back on. Like my parents stopped helping me out when I was 18 and I left home. I was figuring it all out and I didn't have the option to work without getting paid. So I was always looking for the fastest path to get paid from where I was in each moment, and this is what really you know, allowed me to build my business in the way that I have and to learn these skills, which are actually really simple Serve someone today, with you know, to the best that you can and sell to create those client relationships. Get paid every day, sign clients, create clients every day and just get good at doing this every day.

Speaker 1:

Don't wait, don't try and figure it out first. Don't try and make the perfect offer. Throw something together and just get in conversation with people until you're so, so, so clear that your offer really is an amazing solution that's going to create valuable transformation in the lives of the person that you've chosen to solve problems for. So I hope you found this valuable. Send me a DM, send me an email, let me know. And remember you can win a one-on-one coaching session with me by leaving a review over on iTunes, taking a screen grab and emailing it to fun at with Sarah maccom. And if you've already entered, go and tell a friend to leave a review and you can both send me the screen grab of their review and I will enter you both again.

Speaker 1:

Let's get some reviews ranked up. Let's get this content out there to help more people get their gifts and skills out there into the world, make a shit ton of money, make a massive, massive positive impact and have so much fun doing it. And make sure you stay tuned for my next series, which will be focused on branding and astrology for high ticket sales. And, of course, if you have a question, send me a DM, send me an email. I would love to answer your questions on the show. Thank you so much for being here. I appreciate you. I'm sending you so much love. Bye. For more inspirational content, head over to my website with Sarah maccom and please support the show by liking, commenting and subscribing.